What is Sitecore final and shared rendering

15 Jun, 23

Sitecore is a popular content management system (CMS) that allows organizations to create and manage digital experiences. In Sitecore, rendering refers to the process of displaying content on a web page.

Sitecore has two types of renderings: Final Renderings and Shared Renderings.

1. Final Renderings: Final renderings are unique to each item in Sitecore. They define how the content of a specific item should be rendered or displayed on a webpage. Final renderings are typically used when you want to customize the presentation of a specific item and ensure that it is rendered consistently across all pages where the item is used.

For example, if you have a product item in Sitecore, you can define final renderings for that item to specify how the product details should be displayed on the product detail page. These renderings are specific to that particular item and are not shared with other items.

2. Shared Renderings: Shared renderings, on the other hand, can be reused across multiple items in Sitecore. They allow you to define a rendering once and share it among multiple items or pages. Shared renderings are useful when you want to maintain consistency across multiple pages or when you have common content that needs to be displayed in multiple locations.

For example, if you have a banner component that needs to be displayed at the top of multiple pages on your website, you can create a shared rendering for the banner and associate it with the relevant items or page templates. Any changes made to the shared rendering will be reflected on all pages where it is used.

In summary, final renderings are unique to each item and define how a specific item's content should be rendered, while shared renderings can be reused across multiple items or pages to maintain consistency and avoid duplication of effort.