Powershell For switch rendering
# Define the old and new rendering paths
$oldRenderingPath = "/sitecore/layout/Renderings/Old Rendering"
$newRenderingPath = "/sitecore/layout/Renderings/New Rendering"
# Get the old and new rendering items
$oldRenderingItem = Get-Item "master:$oldRenderingPath"
$newRenderingItem = Get-Item "master:$newRenderingPath"
# Check if both renderings exist
if ($oldRenderingItem -eq $null -or $newRenderingItem -eq $null) {
Write-Host "One or both of the renderings do not exist."
# Define the root path of the content tree to search
$rootPath = "/sitecore/content/"
# Fetch all items under the root path
$items = Get-Item -Path "master:$rootPath" -Recurse
foreach ($item in $items) {
# Get all renderings associated with the current item
$renderings = Get-Rendering -Item $item
foreach ($rendering in $renderings) {
if ($rendering.ItemID -eq $oldRenderingItem.ID) {
# Switch rendering
Set-Rendering -Item $item -Instance $rendering -Rendering $newRenderingItem
# Optional: Write out the change for verification
Write-Host "Switched rendering for item $($item.Paths.Path) from $($oldRenderingPath) to $($newRenderingPath)"